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Great Deals on a Fall Getaway - Fishing Rodeo Destin

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The Destin Fishing Rodeo, a traditional destination for anglers, is an iconic one. This tournament was founded in 1948 and has grown to be the most prestigious fishing tournament. Nearly every kind of gamefish can be recognized during the Rodeo. This rodeo offers amazing deals for fall vacations. Check out these deals to save on your hotel stay.

AJ's Seafood & Oyster Bar hosts rodeo-weight-ins

AJ's Seafood & OYster Bar hosts free rodeo weight-ins. Anglers from all over bring their catch for a free weigh-in where they can show off their prized catches. Many anglers have the chance to pose alongside 2020 Miss Destin and Rodeo VII Master Broad Chavez. The bar is popular for rodeo attendees and offers the opportunity to chat with others.

Reel Local Rodeo kick-off party

The Reel Local rodeo kickoff party will be Friday, October 6, at Destin from 5-9 p.m. All registered boat-owner anglers are invited. This event is completely free and family-friendly, featuring live music from the Bass Pro Shop and a BBQ. You are invited to bring your family and friends, as the rodeo is a circus.

fishing spots

At the rodeo, catch off-the-wall

The Destin Fishing Rodeo weighs in anything that can be caught in the Gulf of Mexico. Past winners include dead deer, alligators, rattlesnakes, and even drones. Bruce Cheves was a rodeo judge and weighmaster. He has weighed everything from sharks to fish. He's actually weighed in a sand dunes eel, shark and even a grandfather clock.


Although participation in a Destin Fishing Rodeo can be done easily, it requires registration. Boat registration is required. Both charter and private boats need to register 24 hours in advance of the rodeo. Shore fishermen may also join in by bringing their catch to the scale. Participants can view the weigh-ins at AJ's Seafood & Oyster bar and eat afterwards.

Tip for a successful rodeo

To be able to participate in a fishing rodeo Destin, it is necessary to have all required paperwork. You can check the website to find out which species are eligible for prizes. It will take longer to process your prize if your fish are too small. Before you reach the scales, make sure you have the proper paperwork and division stickers in your tackle bag.

fishing videos


How long does a skilled fisherman take?

Expert fishermanship takes practice over many years. Learn new techniques, improve your skills and become a more skilled fisherman.

How much is basic fishing gear?

For basic fishing equipment, you can expect to pay between $100 and $200 for rod/reel combinations, bait, tackle boxes, and other accessories. For a larger boat, you will need to pay between $500 and $1,000.

Which rod should I choose?

Graphite fiberglass composite makes the best fly fishing rod. This material is lightweight and strong with great casting capabilities. To cast better, you must practice with graphite rods.


  • For most freshwater species you are most likely to target when first starting out, a reel size of 20 to 30 should be more than enough! (strikeandcatch.com)
  • It is estimated there are at least 2 million people who go fishing in California each year. (californiayachtsales.com)
  • Coarse fishing is 100% catch and release these days. (linesonthewater.anglingtrust.net)
  • Orvis, Simms, and Fishpond have been making some of the best packs and vests for a long time, and it seems like 90% of the anglers around the area use these brands. (troutandsteelhead.net)

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How To

How to Fish in Freshwater

Freshwater fishing is a sport that involves catching fish from freshwater sources such as lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, etc. There are many types of fish that can be caught, including bass, carp and crappie, trout as well, walleyes, perch, pike (muskie), eel and many other species. These species can be caught in a variety different ways. Some popular methods include casting, trolling, jigging, spinnerbaits, flyfishing, baitcasting, and ice fishing.

The first step when trying to catch any type of fish is finding a good location where fish are likely to be found. This usually means choosing a place close to the source of your water supply. Next, choose the equipment you want.

For live bait to work, choose something that looks familiar and appealing to the fish. You can use live bait such as worms and minnows, insects, grasshoppers, bloodworms and leeches.

Artificial lures include baits made from plastic, wood, feathers and metal. Artificial lures come in many shapes and sizes. They are able to imitate aquatic prey, such as shiners, crawfish, grubs, minnows, and other animals. It is easy to cast lures into the water and it doesn't take much skill. Once they have hit their target, lures are simple to set up and retrieve.

You might want to learn how to cast if you don’t want live bait or want to try new techniques. Casting is one of the easiest ways to catch fish. Casting requires little effort and does not require any special skills.

All you need are a rod and reel, line, sinker, floatant and hooks. A simple pole is enough to cast with. To cast the rod, hold it vertically above water's surface. Slowly lower the rod's tip until it touches water. As soon as it does this the line starts to unwind from the reel. The lure will drop into the water once the line is at its full length.

Another method of catching fish is trolling. Trolling uses a boat to propel a lure through water.

Fishing is both enjoyable and lucrative. There are many types of fishing, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Some methods are easier to learn than others but all require patience and practice.


Great Deals on a Fall Getaway - Fishing Rodeo Destin