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Wahoo fishing - How to choose the right lures for wahoo fishing

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It's possible to learn about different lures and techniques for catching wahoo fish by trying out wahoofishing. This article will teach you about the various habitats and temperatures of these giant fish, as we also discuss different methods to catch them. The following information will help to choose the most effective lures and fishing methods to catch a Wahoo of trophy size.

Water temperature

It is vital that the water temperature stays above a certain level when wahoo go offshore to feed. While structure is crucial, the water temperature also plays a significant role. The Gulf Stream temperatures are constant around 78° during the winter months. Wahoo move across the coast to seek warm water from the mid 70s. They'll find abundant food. Wahoo are extremely mobile and can travel long distances when looking for food.

In the Northeast, the water temperature is warmest. Although bait fishing is less successful, jigging unrestricted areas is a good option. I caught five wahoo in 2008 on an A47 diamond jig. Offshore buoys are another structure worth targeting. Trolling is another great method to make big money in New England waters. But the key to catching a wahoo is to find the right temperature.

In a half-mile stretch, the temperatures can vary between twenty-two and thirty-two degrees. The ideal temperature gradient should be between 6 and 7 degrees. Wahoo may not be attracted to temperature changes that are smaller. There are some places where wahoo can be caught even in low water temperatures. These temperature fluctuations are not too severe. Be patient to catch the fish.

Although wahoo can be found all year round in the northern Atlantic ocean, the best water temperature to fish for them is between seventy-eighty and eighty degrees. Although it has been proven that wahoo can still be caught at temperatures as low 68 degrees, the best times to catch them are in cold weather and rough days. These magnificent fish can still be caught in Georgia blue waters, despite the temperature fluctuations.


Wahoo have a wide range of habitats but remain concentrated in one area. The thermocline is where the fish spend the majority of their time. The epipelagic area is the topmost layer of ocean waters where waves, wind, and other natural forces interact constantly. This region has temperatures between 600 and 860 F. The result is that wahoo can be caught in commercial fisheries frequently as bycatch.

The warmest tropical waters around the world are home to the wahoo. They are quite independent by nature and tend to gather at larger schools during mating season. They can also spawn broadcast style, by broadcasting eggs and sperm into the water column in order to increase the chance of fertilization. They will spawn numerous times throughout the season and produce millions of gametes annually. The wahoo reaches sexual maturity within its first year.

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The Bahamas offers great water quality and deep reefs which draw large numbers of Wahoo. November to March are the best months to hunt wahoos in Bahamas. Charters are abundant and there is a great selection of accommodations. Bimini, which is located just 50 miles north of Miami, is very popular with Florida anglers. Some waters offer better opportunities for wahoo-fishing.

Broadcast spawning allows Wahoo fish to reproduce. Both the male and the female will release eggs simultaneously, increasing fertilization chances and decreasing the possibility of the eggs being eaten. These fish are capable of reproducing multiple times during the year, especially in warm waters close to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. They can grow up three to five inches in length and produce many millions of eggs each year. 8 feet 2 inches was the longest known specimen.


There are several techniques to use when troll fishing for wahoo. You can use live bait, such as ballyhoo, mullet, or mackerel. You can make a lure from many materials but it should be fast to roll. Examples of lures include high-speed Wahoo trolling artificials and plugs. Choose a lure with a fast troll speed and bright color.

Try to keep your trolling speed high when trolling for wahoo. This will help attract them. Vertical jigging, which is best for catching wahoo offshore waters, is better than slow trolling. It is important to not drag the lure too fast while casting it. You should always retrieve the fish as quickly as possible.

When trolling for wahoo, troll at a speed of 12 to 14 knots. The line should be slightly bent so that you don't direct the hook directly towards the fish when trolling for Wahoo. The bend of your rod tip will absorb the shock from a shakey Wahoo. This will increase your chances of hooking it. Circle back and forth at minimum twice when the fish hits the hook.

Once the boat is calm, you can slowly pull the line. The biggest mistake when trolling is to let the boat drift from its gear. The Wahoo will leap straight at your boat shaking violently. Make sure that you have the boat in gear when the Wahoo reaches the boat. Keep your line tight to ensure it doesn't shake off the hook. A tight line will help you avoid any mishaps while troll for wahoo.

Selection of lures

When choosing a lure to use on a wahoo fishing trip, there are many things you should consider. First, determine the correct running depth of your lure. This will depend on the thickness and speed of the trolling as well as the length of your lure. The best colors to use are hot pink, bonito, dorado, and silver. Also, choose a heavy-duty lure such as the Iland Ilander, which is a 4.5-ounce lure. It is usually cast on a long rubber skirt using a double hook.

Vibration lures are also available. This type of lure can be tough and quite inexpensive. Vibration lures should be a necessity because wahoo are aggressive, and can bite at different trolling speeds. These lures can be used in all kinds of fishing conditions because they are durable. These lures are tough and economical, yet they are also easy to use in a wide range of fishing situations.

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While wahoo are usually solitary, some fishermen have encountered schooling schools of these fish, which can be challenging to work. Regardless of whether wahoo are solitary or in a group, they prefer active bait that they can follow to the surface. These species will often school up and shadow larger floating debris. You should have a kingfish rig with live bait for wahoo fishing. No. 6 with a length greater than 2 feet

Color is an important factor when choosing a wahoo fishing bait. Soft plastic frogs work best for spawning, as they prefer to eat on the surface in summer. They also prefer darker colours to those of lighter hues. Color contrast and water clarity are important factors in wahoo fishing. This will prevent you from being discouraged or tempted to throw out a perfectly good wahoo fishing lure.

Identifying a wahoo

Once you are familiar with the basic characteristics of the species, it is easy to identify a wahoo while fishing. Wahoos rank among the fastest marine fish. They have long, slender bodies and a brilliant deep blue body. Their teeth are strong and large, and their lateral line is more forward than that of a barracuda. Their tail is wavy. Their head is a deep, brilliantly silver color. It often has three stripes, tiger stripes or silver and blue. They sometimes join their tails. A wahoo may be missing one or both of these stripes.

Wahoos can be found all over the globe and can live in warm water up to 16 feet (14.6 meters). Wahoos are a pelagic species of fish that live in the ocean from the surface down. Wahoos can be found in schools up to 100 fish but they will only hunt alone once they weigh more than 50 pounds. There are many tools you can use to help identify wahoos when fishing.

When you first hook a wahoo, the most obvious way to tell if it is yours is to hear its shriek. Although the wahoo is similar to a king mackerel in appearance, its body is much longer and narrower. It is a brightly colored fish, with a long pointed dorsal end fin and a silver belly. Wahoos are among the fastest and most powerful fish in the sea, and they can weigh as much as 75 pounds. It is easy to identify a Wahoo while fishing if you are familiar with its characteristics and avoid accidentally hooking another species.

Wahoos are prized sport fishing catch in many parts of the world. While they can be small, wahoos reach good size, making them popular for recreational fishing. They are fast and agile on light tackle. The high price of wahoo can lead to recreational fisherman selling their catch. The wahoo is a highly sought after game fish, so it is important to learn the differences between different types of wahoo.

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Is it safe and legal to eat fish caught from another source?

It doesn't matter where you buy fish. Always ask the seller if their fish has a freshness expiration date. If there is no expiration date on the fish, it is probably safe to eat. You shouldn't eat fish that smells or looks old.

Which rod should I choose?

Graphite fiberglass composite makes the best fly fishing rod. This material is strong, lightweight and has great casting properties. You must practice using a graphite rod to learn how to cast better.

Where can I find good fishing spots?

There are plenty of places where you can fish around the world. Fishing is a popular pastime in many places, including public parks, private lakes, rivers, streams, or other bodies of water.

Is fishing a safe sport?

Fishing is extremely safe. Fishing can be an enjoyable way to relax, enjoy nature and have fun. If you adhere to safety rules, there will be no problems.

How much are basic fishing tools?

Basic fishing equipment can be purchased for between $100-$200. This includes rod/reel combos and bait as well as a tackle box. You will need to spend $500-$1000 if you plan to rent a larger boat.

How do I know if my lure works?

When you cast your lure into the water, watch for movement. If you can see movement in the water, your lure is working correctly.

Where can you find great fishing guides?

Fishing guides offer a wide variety of services. They can advise you on the best areas to fish, give tips on catching particular types of fish, and even teach how to use different types fishing equipment.


  • You likely have a fish hooked if the bobber moves erratically for over 5 seconds. (tailoredtackle.com)
  • Coarse fishing is 100% catch and release these days. (linesonthewater.anglingtrust.net)
  • To substantiate this theory, Knight attempted a systematic inquiry by considering the timing of 200 'record' catches, more than 90 percent were made during a new moon (when no moon is visible). (myfwc.com)
  • About 40 percent of all fish are freshwater species. (takemefishing.org)

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How To

How to tie a fishing lure like a pro

You can make simple fishing lures from different materials or colors by following these steps.

Step 1: Cut 2 pieces of twine approximately 3/4 inches in width.

Step 2: Cut one end of the twine in half.

Step 3 Twist each end together.

Step 4: Wrap the end of the second piece of twine around the first piece of twine so that the knot sits inside the loop.

Step 5: Secure the loop.

Step 6: Repeat step 4 from the opposite side.

Step 7: Secure the knot with a needle or pin.

Step 8: Cut excess twine.


Wahoo fishing - How to choose the right lures for wahoo fishing